Let's see, how we can help you in becoming part of that change!
Artificial intelligence will be the engine of the ongoing scientific revolution in the next few years. AI Embassy Foundation aims to make Poland the centre of the innovation.
Knowledge is a key element that allows to introduce innovation. AI Embassy connects Artificial Intelligence experts with those people, who would like to develop their skills in that area, by organizing free workshops and trainings, both online and offsite.
Building the innovation also requires to create a working community of experts, companies and investors. To achieve that, our Foundation takes part in conferences and meetups, but we also organize our own events. Please contact us, if you'd like to create an AI community in our area.
The AI revolution needs the business involvement. Do you already have an idea to implement Artificial Intelligence in your company, but haven't started working on it yet? Or maybe you need a spark of inspiration of how it could make your business even better? Please check our offer of free trainings or reach us directly to talk about free consultancy services.
Are you an IT company or have already implemented AI-based projects, but still need some support in developing them? Please contact us to discuss the commercial offer of the AI Embassy Foundation.
We strongly believe Artificial Intelligence may revolutionize the future. If so do you, please support our efforts and donate any amount to make it happen.
Automation of repetitive processes
Business costs optimization
Making data-driven decisions
Styczeń 2020
The winning project of the Smogathon 2019, category "The identification of pollution sources". This is a Data Science based method to detect the smog sources.
Are you passionate about AI-based solutions?
Let's talk about the things we can make together!
"AI Embassy" Foundation
ul. Podskale 1A/6, 30-522 Kraków
KRS 0000823425
NIP 6762576428
REGON 385300695
Account number 32 1600 1462 1885 3945 8000 0001
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Support us
Our initiatives require financial outlays. If you also think AI may be a new revolution and would like to support its development, please support our efforts by donating to the AI Embassy Foundation.